Emily Dickinson

poetessa statunitense

«The Lightning playeth - all the while - | But when He singeth - then - | Ourselves are conscious He exist - | And we approach Him - stern - | With Insulators - and a Glove - | Whose short - sepulchral Bass | Alarms us - tho' His Yellow feet | May pass - and counterpass - | | Upon the Ropes - above our Head - | Continual - with the News - | Nor We so much as check our speech - | Nor stop to cross Ourselves.»


«The Brain - is wider than the Sky - | For - put them side by side - | The one the other will contain | With ease - and You - beside - | The Brain is deeper than the sea - | For - hold them - Blue to Blue - | The one the other will absorb - | As Sponges - Buckets - do - | | The Brain is just the weight of God - | For - Heft them - Pound for Pound - | And they will differ - if they do - | As Syllable from Sound.»


«When Bells stop ringing - Church - begins - | The Transitive - of Bells - | When Cogs - stop - that's Circumference - | The Ultimate - of Wheels.»


«And we are waiting for the Coach - | It seems as though the Time - | Indignant - that the Joy was come - | Did block the Gilded Hands - | And would not let the Seconds by - | But slowest instant - ends - | | The Pendulum begins to count - | Like little Scholars - loud - | The steps grow thicker - in the Hall - | The Heart begins to crowd - | | Then I - my timid service done - | Tho' service 'twas, of Love - | Take up my little Violin - | And further North - remove.»


«Perhaps I asked too large - | I take - no less than skies - | For Earths, grow thick as | Berries, in my native town - | My Basket holds - just - Firmaments - | Those - dangle easy - on my arm, | But smaller bundles - Cram.»


«Dio è un distante - maestoso Innamorato - | Corteggia, come ci ha spiegato - per mezzo di Suo Figlio - | In verità, un Corteggiamento Vicario - | Per "Miles", e "Priscilla", accadde lo Stesso - | Ma, affinché l'Anima - come la bella "Priscilla" | Non scelga l'Inviato - e rifiuti lo Sposo - | Garantisce, con iperbolica astuzia - | Che "Miles", e "John Alden" erano Sinonimi.»


«Se qualcuno cade, assicurategli che colui, che adesso è in piedi - | Fallì come Lui - ed è conscio che rialzarsi - | È frutto delle Circostanze, e non della Consapevolezza | Che la Debolezza è passata - o la Forza - risorta - | Ditegli che il Peggio, si placa in un Momento - | Il Terrore, è solo nel Sibilo, prima della Pallottola - | Quando la Pallottola entra, entra il Silenzio - | La Morte - annulla il potere di uccidere.»


«It struck me - every day - | The Lightning was as new | As if the Cloud that instant slit | And let the Fire through - | It burned Me - in the Night - | It Blistered to My Dream - | It sickened fresh upon my sight - | With every Morn that came - | | I though that Storm - was brief - | The Maddest - quickest by - | But Nature lost the Date of This - | And left it in the Sky.»


«Went to thank Her - | But She Slept - | Her Bed - a funneled Stone - | With Nosegays at the Head and Foot - | That Travellers - had thrown - | Who went to thank Her - | But She Slept - | 'Twas Short - to cross the Sea - | To look upon Her like - alive - | But turning back - 'twas slow.»


«Conosco vite, che potrei perdere | Senza sofferenza - | Di altre - un istante di assenza - | Sarebbe un'eternità - | Queste ultime - un numero esiguo - | Arrivano a malapena a due - | Le prime - un orizzonte di moscerini | Supererebbero facilmente.»


«Over and over, like a Tune - | The Recollection plays - | Drums off the Phantom Battlements | Cornets of Paradise - | Snatches, from Baptized Generations - | Cadences too grand | But for the Justified Processions | At the Lord's Right hand.»


«Andai in Cielo - | Era una piccola Città - | Illuminata - da un Rubino - | Lastricata - con soffici Piume - | Più silenziosa - dei campi | Ricoperti di Rugiada - | Bellissima - come Dipinti - | Che mai Uomo disegnò. | Gli abitanti - come la Falena - | Di Pizzo - le strutture - | I doveri - di impalpabile Velo - | E di Piuma d'oca - i nomi - | Quasi - contenta - | Io - potrei essere - | In mezzo a tale singolare | Società.»


«Rehearsal to Ourselves | Of a Withdrawn Delight - | Affords a Bliss like Murder - | Omnipotent - Acute - | We will not drop the Dirk - | Because We love the Wound | The Dirk Commemorate - Itself | Remind Us that we died.»


«To lose one's faith - surpass | The loss of an Estate - | Because Estates can be | Replenished - faith cannot - | Inherited with Life - | Belief - but once - can be - | Annihilate a single clause - | And Being's - Beggary.»


«I saw no Way - The Heavens were stitched - | I felt the Columns close - | The Earth reversed her Hemispheres - | I touched the Universe - | And back it slid - and I alone - | A Speck upon a Ball - | Went out upon Circumference - | Beyond the Dip of Bell.»


«What Soft - Cherubic Creatures - | These Gentlewomen are - | One would as soon assault a Plush - | Or violate a Star - | Such Dimity Convictions - | A Horror so refined | Of freckled Human Nature - | Of Deity - ashamed - | | It's such a common - Glory - | A Fisherman's - Degree - | Redemption - Brittle Lady - | Be so - ashamed of Thee.»


«How many Flowers fail in Wood - | Or perish from the Hill - | Without the privilege to know | That they are Beautiful - | How many cast a nameless Pod | Upon the nearest Breeze - | Unconscious of the Scarlet Freight - | It bear to Other Eyes.»


«The Winters are so short - | I'm hardly justified | In sending all the Birds away - | And moving into Pod - | Myself - for scarcely settled - | The Phebes have begun - | And then - it's time to strike my Tent - | And open House - again - | | It's mostly, interruptions - | My Summer - is despoiled - | Because there was a Winter - once - | And all the Cattle - starved - | | And so there was a Deluge - | And swept the World away - | But Ararat's a Legend - now - | And no one credits Noah.»


«It might be lonelier | Without the Loneliness - | I'm so accustomed to my Fate - | Perhaps the Other - Peace - | Would interrupt the Dark - | And crowd the little Room - | Too scant - by Cubits - to contain | The Sacrament - of Him - | | I am not used to Hope - | It might intrude upon - | It's sweet parade - blaspheme the place - | Ordained to Suffering - | | It might be easier | To fail - with Land in Sight - | Than gain - My Blue Peninsula - | To perish - of Delight.»


«A slash of Blue - | A sweep of Gray - | Some scarlet patches on the way, | Compose an Evening Sky - | A little purple - slipped between - | Some Ruby Trowsers hurried on - | A Wave of Gold - | A Bank of Day - | This just makes out the Morning Sky.»

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